Activitati Periodice
Consiliul Parohial va invita sa participati la evenimente organizate in jurul sarbatorilor importante cu prilejul carora dorim sa implicam atat copiii cat si adultii.
Activitatile propuse sunt cele traditionale ortodoxe, colinde de Craciun, poezii si cantece de ziua Mamei etc.
To be edited.
At that time, a SAT consisting of an administrator, counselor, and Learning Support teacher will be formed for that student. The team works with the teacher and/or the teacher and parent to develop strategies and interventions that address any concerns that are interfering with school success. Services may include:
Consultation with the teacher and/or parent
Evaluation of the child's current status which may include but is not limited to: classwork, school records, academic assessments
Classroom observation
Academic assessments
Referral for further comprehensive evaluations
Development of an individual Accommodation Plan for children diagnosed with a specific learning disability
Direct instruction
If you have concerns regarding your child you can:
Schedule an appointment with your child's teacher
Work with the teacher to bring about a change
Refer your child to the SAT (Student Assistance Team) for further help by contacting the Learning Support office
Possible interventions may include:
The Learning Support teacher will consult with the classroom teacher and design alternative strategies
Additional classroom modification may be made
Assessments may be made by the Learning Support teacher
Your child may be offered direct Learning Support services
Assessments by outside agencies may be recommended
Individual Accommodation Plan may be implemented